It seems we have to offer a sacrifice
According to the woman in the hood, her hometown is currently being attacked by a dragon, and it seems they have to offer a sacrifice.
“Hmm, I see… So, it doesn’t really matter, right!!”
“Eh, what about helping them?”
“Well, I’m currently the pet of my sister, so I can’t just help on my own! Besides, they said it’s amazing that I can talk to dragons, but the fact that they demanded a sacrifice means that they must have talked to that dragon.”
『いやー、今の自分姐さんのペットっすから勝手に助けらんねっす! それに、ドラゴンと会話できるのが凄いって言ってたけれど、生贄を要求されたってことはそのドラゴンと会話したってコトじゃないっすか』
“Oh? Now that you mention it, that does make sense.”
「あれ? 言われてみればそうですね」
That means someone negotiated with the dragon.
“Um, um, Dragon-sama. Could you please slow down a bit…”
“Huh? I’m talking to Dear-kun right now. And you should adjust to me, you lowly creature. I’ll crush you.”
『は? 今ディア君ちゃんと話してんだよ。ってかお前が合わせろや下等生物。潰すぞ』
The woman in the robe couldn’t keep up with Arthur’s vocabulary, but she was frightened and backed away as he pointed at her with a grumpy expression, saying “I’ll crush you.”
“Hey, Arthur. Don’t scare her too much.”
“Ah, I can’t help it.”
Arthur grinned mischievously. Of course, he was serious, but he didn’t say that.
And, of course, it was impossible for the woman in the robe to read the dragon’s expression, so to her, it looked like Arthur was being scolded by the priestess and stopped with a displeased frown.
“But the dragon said to offer a sacrifice, right? It’s probably that some ignorant lowly creature did something that needed to be settled. Commonly, it’s about stealing eggs or something.”
『でもドラゴンが生贄出せとか言ったんすよね? どうせ無知な下等生物がケジメ付けるべき何かをしちゃったんじゃないっすかね。良くあるのは卵の強奪とか』
“Ah, they say the number of children born is limited. It’s only natural for them to be angry if their eggs are stolen…”
“Well, it’s probably just a fertilized egg. Since it’s a hassle, they might just be trying to scare someone into bringing food or something.”
“Eh? So they demand a person as a sacrifice?”
「え? それで人を生贄に要求するんですか?」
“Honestly, if it were me, I would prefer something like an orc for a sacrifice… Humans have a poor yield. If it’s for magical power, magical stones are better. Unless there’s a human with exceptionally high magical power, of course.”
Is that how it is? Dear thought. If you lined up humans and more delicious-looking prey, you would probably choose the more delicious one unless there were special circumstances.
“Um, how is the sacrifice actually requested?”
“Ah, yes, Priestess! …Um, what do you mean by ‘how’?”
“I mean how the negotiations were actually conducted. Depending on the case, it seems that something substantial like an orc or a magical stone is preferred? Were humans specifically requested?”
「実際にどのように交渉されたかの話です。場合によっては、食べ応えのあるオークや魔石の方が好まれるらしいですよ? 具体的に人間を要求されたんですか?」
When Dear said that, the woman in the robe opened her eyes wide in surprise.
“…Is that so!? In my village, it has become a custom to offer a pure maiden to appease the dragon’s anger.”
「……そ、そうなのですか!? 私の里では、ドラゴン様の怒りを鎮めるためには穢れを知らぬ処女を差し出す、というしきたりのようになっていまして」
“Ah, a custom type. This is troublesome. They were probably demanding the head of an egg thief or something, but after offering a sacrifice, they think they’ve settled it, and then they ignore the dragon’s will and continue.”
From the dragon’s perspective, it wouldn’t remember the faces of lowly creatures unless it was something significant. It seems to go, “This one is the thief, so they’ve settled it, good!”
And if the dragon keeps attacking every time an egg thief appears, it seems that the custom would become to offer sacrifices, repeating the successful experience.
“There must be a dragon that is really bad at warming eggs.”
“Is it that difficult to warm eggs?”
“They practice with fertilized eggs. My mom said so. Besides, if I ever get a wife, we would take turns warming them, so I was told to practice by being given eggs… Being forced to practice with my mother’s eggs is seriously… even if they get stolen, it’s like, whatever, right?”
『無精卵で練習するんすよ。かーちゃんが言ってましたわ。つーか自分もいつか奥さんできたら交代で温めるんだから、本番に備えて練習しろって卵押し付けられて練習を……母親の卵を押し付けられるのとかマジあれなんで……盗まれても別に、ねぇ? って感じで……』
“With fertilized eggs… Ah, so that’s why you said ‘it’s probably just a fertilized egg’ earlier.”
“Exactly. Sometimes they warm fertilized eggs together with the real ones as decoys.”
Even if you barely manage to steal an egg from a dragon’s nest, I’ve heard it’s rare for it to hatch, but I wondered if there were such circumstances with the eggs. It was a bit of an interesting tangent.
It’s only natural that I would be more curious about my friend’s story than the circumstances of the person in front of me.
“Well, I think there are probably various misunderstandings.”
“Hmm. If we talk properly and clear up those misunderstandings, the sacrifice might not be necessary after all.”
“Is that so!? Ah, um, Priestess! Please, please help us…!!”
「そうなのですか!? あ、あの、巫女姫様! ああ、どうか、どうか我らを助けてください……!!」
Dear was bowed down to.
Now, what should I do? I thought.
“For now, let’s consult with my sister.”
If the one who can talk to dragons is the priestess, then the real priestess is Karina. After all, Dear is just talking with Arthur, who was trained to use a vocabulary book by Karina.
(Entry for Kakuyomu Contest 9,
『Until the Dungeon Streamer Who Wants to Become a Lady Becomes a Real Lady』
is in the final stretch for reader selection!!
It’s until today or tomorrow, so please throw some ★ ratings my way!!)