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Dear-kun’s cough is really useful




“Well then, shall we hold the divine artifact return ceremony, Kali-chan!”



Mii-chan had a bright, sunny smile on her face.



“Huh, why?”


“Why, you ask? It’s the return of the divine artifact, right? We can’t just return it without anything.”

「なんでもなにも。神器の返納だよ? 何もなしに返納とはいかないでしょ」


Moreover, before returning it, we need to properly prove that it’s genuine, or else we might be accused of saying, “I returned it because it was stolen!” and face unreasonable complaints.


To firmly demonstrate that point, it seems necessary to show that it is indeed genuine on a grand scale.



“We need to get the cooperation of the gods, and of Kali-chan, who is the messenger of the gods! Can you collect it majestically?”

「神様に、神様の使いであるカリちゃんにしーっかり協力してもらわなきゃね! 神々しく回収してもらえる?」

“Majestically, huh… Let’s think of a performance together. I think we can do most things.”


“Yay! As expected of Kali-chan, I love you! Forge me!”

「キャー! さすがカリちゃんっ、好きっ! ウチのこと鍛造してっ!」



“That said, I never expected Kali-chan to be a messenger of the gods. I thought you were someone special, but…”



Dear-kun’s cough is really useful.



“Even if I’m a messenger, it’s more like a gopher, so it’s not that big of a deal. …Usually, I just collect socks and offer them to the gods.”


“Oh, so you really were serious about offering socks to the gods? Then does that mean the ones I’m wearing now are included?”

「あ、神様に靴下捧げるって言ってたのマジだったの? じゃあ今履いてるのもいる?」

“Well, you see, I gave you that potion, right? After you drank that, it seems to have gone out of the gods’ preferences. It’s better if there isn’t a scent of the gods, including me.”

「……いやー、それが私のあげたポーションあるじゃん? あれ飲んじゃったから神様の好みからハズレちゃうみたい。私も含めて、神様本人のニオイがしないほうが良いんだって」

“Huh, so… does that mean I smell like the gods now? Does that mean I’m part of the gods’ followers? Amazing.”

「え、じゃあ……今のウチ、神様のニオイしてるの? ウチも神様の眷属に入ってるってこと? すご」


It’s not impossible to interpret it that way.



“Oh, right. Are you going to make doors that connect to your base for the other four as well?”


“That’s right. I won’t let others in, but everyone else is special!”


“That’ll make it easier to hold national defense meetings casually. That’s great.”



Like Mashiro-san, I plan to create separate rooms for the five of us and connect them.


The dwarf ratio in the base is going to increase dramatically. Oh, right.



“How about we create a workshop? We do have a crafting room now, but from a dwarf’s perspective, it’s just a small room… I don’t know the details, so if you give me the blueprint, I’ll make it just like that.”

「なんなら工房作ろうか? 一応今も物作り部屋はあるけど、ドワーフの本職からみたらただの小部屋だろうし……詳しいトコ分からないから、設計図くれたらその通りに作るよ」




Mii-chan’s eyes widen in excitement.



“…Um, um, can I make anything in that workshop? What’s the size of the area? Ventilation, air permeability? Average temperature? Humidity? Insulation of the walls? Is there water nearby? A warehouse? A fuel storage area?”

「……あの、その、その工房って何作ってもいいの? 敷地のサイズは? 換気、通気性は? 平均気温は? 湿度は? 壁の断熱性は? 水は近くにある? 倉庫は? 燃料置き場は?」


A barrage of questions. As expected of a top-notch craftsman.



“Y-yeah. You can decide however you want, okay? If you want to set those things, you can do that. You can change them later too.”

「お、おう。好きに決めていいよ? 今言ったのなら好きに設定できるし。後から変えるのもできるよ」

“I can set them however I want!? …Slurp.”



Ah, Mii-chan has the eyes of a carnivorous beast in front of her prey.



“…I need to consult with the other four about this. If I monopolize the design, I’ll be cursed!”


“Ah, we could also create a joint workshop where everyone can have fun crafting together, in addition to the individual workshops.”



Don’t you want to see five little dwarf girls giggling and working together?


I really want to see that.



“…Wait a minute. Is Kali-chan a demon or something? Is it okay? Am I not going to have my soul taken? Hey, Aisia-chan. Should I become a slave too?”

「……ちょっとまって。カリちゃんって悪魔だったりする? 大丈夫? 魂取られない? ねぇアイシアちゃん。私も奴隷になったほうが良いのかな?」

“Lady Vermilion. I will be the slave of my master, so please don’t interfere.”


“Oh, uh.”



Aisia states firmly. Strong.



“I need to start designing the workshop right away! Kali-chan, tell me everything I can do to create the workshop!”

「早速工房の設計しなきゃ! カリちゃん、工房を作るためにできること全部教えて!」

“Everything? Hmm, I’m not sure if I can explain everything.”

「全部? うーん、私も全部は説明できるかどうか」


At this point, Dear-kun interrupts between me and Mii-chan.



“Lady Vermilion. Please wait until the preparations for the return ceremony are finished for all of that.”


“Huh!? No way! To put off my dream workshop is cruel for an elf!”

「ええ!? そんな! 夢の工房をお預けなんてエルフは酷いっ!」

“That’s right, Dear-kun. It’s not like it takes a long time to make it…”



“No. If an ideal workshop is created, you’ll definitely want to stay there, right? It wouldn’t be surprising if the return ceremony ended up being five years later.”

「いえ。そんな理想の工房ができたら絶対籠るでしょう? 返納式が5年後とかになってもおかしくないですよ」

“…That’s true!!”


“I can’t retort against an elf girl…! Ugh, if that’s the case, I’ll involve the others too!”

「エルフっ子に言い返せない……! くっ、こうなったら他の子も巻き込んでやるぅ!」


And so, creating the workshop became a reward for the successful return ceremony, and the preparations for the return ceremony were pushed forward at full speed with the combined efforts of the Five Great Elders, set to be held a week later.



…Dear-kun is really good at using people!!



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