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It’s just a safety device



The dragon’s name has been decided as Arthur.


It seems to be a name of a past hero. It sounds like Pendragon to me, but I wonder if it’s been translated that way? Well, whatever.

なんか過去の英雄の名前らしい。私にはペンドラゴンな感じに聞こえるけど、これって意訳されてたりするんだろうか? まぁいいや。


“Good to have a nice name, Arthur-kun.”


“Wow, thanks! By the way, Dia-kun is so cute! When I let him ride on my back, he was overjoyed!”

『いやー、どうもどうも! にしてもディア君ちゃん可愛いっすね! 背中に乗せてあげたら大喜びで!』

“After all, boys like dragons and stuff. They’re strong and cool.”


“Hahaha, I can’t compete with you, sis… Wait, boy? Huh? Dia-kun is a male! I can’t tell!”

『ハハハ、姐さんには敵いませんって……って、男の子? え? ディア君ちゃん雄なんすか!? みえねー!』


Arthur-kun did a double take at Dia-kun.



“By the way, if I had named him, the next candidate would have been Tama. So be sure to thank Dia-kun.”


“Got it! Dia-kun, thanks a lot!!”

『うっす! ディア君ちゃん、あざーーーっす!!』


Arthur-kun opened the vocabulary book to the page for “thank you” and waved it around toward Dia-kun.


He seems genuinely happy. Yes, yes, that’s good.



“Ah, I’m starting to feel like I could handle Dia-kun being male. It’s way better than a carriage, and I want to ride on his tail.”


“If you lay a hand on Dia-kun, dinner will be a dragon heart sashimi, you know?”


“Yikes! I’m sorry, I’m sorry! There’s no way I’d take sis’s partner! Just a cute pet’s nonsense!”

『ひぃ! すんませんすんません! 姐さんのツガイを取るわけないじゃないっすかぁ! 可愛いペットの戯言っす!』


N-no, it’s not a partner. Not in that sense.


As I was feeling a bit embarrassed, Mashiro-san, who had just finished her bath, called out to me.



“Hey Karina, what is Arthur saying?”


“Just some casual chat… Is everything okay, Mashiro-san? You seemed really on guard just a moment ago.”

「なんでもない雑談だよ。……マシロさん大丈夫? さっきまですごく警戒してたみたいだけど」

“Of course! It’s a dragon, a dragon! Think about common sense—oh, but saying that to you is pointless now. Haa…”

「当たり前だろ、ドラゴンだぞドラゴン! 常識を考えろ――って、お前に言っても今更か。はぁー」


What the heck, as if I lack common sense. Well, that’s true.



“Oh, right. Aren’t we about to arrive at Rosetta Town? Don’t let him out in the middle of town.”

「あ、そうだ。そろそろロゼッタの町に着くんじゃねぇのか? 町中で出してやるなよ」

“Ah, umm. We probably need to show our faces at the gate, so maybe we should tie him up at the beast parking area?”


“Eh, I want to follow sis!”



Arthur-kun opened the vocabulary book to the page for “dissatisfaction” and held it up.


Don’t say such unreasonable things; you’re a dragon, you know.



“It’s unfair that a more dangerous sis can enter normally!”


“Can’t you transform into a human or something? Like, some kind of magic?”

「いっそ人に変身とかできないの? そういう魔法とか」

“Not really. Well, there are dragons that have had children with humans, so maybe that’s where the rumor comes from? …Ah, but maybe the Fafnir faction could do it.”



It seems to be a faction of dragons that loves to explore magic and curses.


However, it seems certain that Arthur-kun cannot transform into a human.



“Well, you would definitely stand out, so you can’t walk around town. Or do you want to be a spectacle and parade around?”


“Ah, but I do have a skill for shrinking! I can get down to the size of a wolf, so that should work!”

『あ、でも小型化のスキルならあるんで! ウルフくらいのサイズにはなれるっすから、それでどうにか!』

“Oh, really? Give it a try.”

「あ、そうなの? ちょっとやってみてよ」

“Got it! Shrinking!”

『ウッス 小型化!』


Arthur-kun shrank down with a pop. Originally the size of a carriage, he is now about the size of a medium dog.


And the vocabulary book fell to the floor with a thud. It seems that shrinking only applies to the main body.



“With this, I guess I can barely walk around with you? We should probably put a collar on you to make you look more like a pet.”

「これならまぁギリギリ連れて歩けるかな? あとはペットらしく首輪つけとくか」

“Oh, that’s nice, it gives off a familiar vibe. And at least register as a tamer, okay? Even as a healer would be fine.”

「お、そりゃいいな、従魔っぽさが出る。というか、せめてテイマーとして登録しとけよ? ヒーラーの方でもいいからよ」

“I won’t run away even without a collar, you know?”


“Huh? What are you saying, Arthur-kun? This is just a safety device that will choke you to death if you revert to your original size on your own.”

「ん? 何言ってんのアーサー君。これは勝手に元のサイズに戻ったら首が絞まって死ぬだけというただの安全装置だよ」

“Geez!? Sis, you’re ruthless! But that’s what makes it wonderful!”

『げぇ!? 姐さん容赦ねぇー! でもそこが素敵っす!』


If you’re confident wearing this, I might allow you to accompany me. Of course, only if I get permission to take you through the gate.


When I conveyed that, Arthur-kun accepted the collar quite readily.




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