Bravo, oh, bravo ● With Illustrations
ブラボー、おお、ブラボー ●挿絵アリ
Finally, the last pair, Mashiro-san’s socks.
What will the appraisal amount be――
“――115 SP.”
“Exceeded the limit!?”
Without hesitation, the appraisal amount that came out exceeded the highest value of 100 SP.
“While the sense of shame is diluted, the hair… The hair is really good.”
“Oh, is it about the hair!”
“Natural sock hair… nice! Ah, the breakdown is 25 SP for the initial sock, and 90 SP for the hair.”
「天然靴下っ毛……いいね! あ、内訳は初靴下の方は25SP、毛が90SPです」
“Oh. So that’s the total appraisal value.”
If it’s for two items, then the limit break is somewhat understandable.
Still, was the hair really that good?
“Well, it might be hard for Karina-chan to understand, but it’s hair. Moreover, it was plucked from near the paw pads on the sole. It’s a presence that lasts longer on the sole than a poorly made sock, you know? It’s like a sock that has been worn for about a month.”
「そりゃカリーナちゃんには分からないかもしれませんが、毛ですからね。しかも足裏の肉球の近いとこをぷちって抜いてくれたやつ。下手な靴下より長く足裏にある存在ですよ? 一ヶ月やそこら履き続けた靴下みたいなもんなのです」
“Oh ho.”
“While the quantity is small, the flavor is rich. Munch munch… I have no idea why it’s in such demand, but that confusion is also good. It’s like a sticky avocado.”
“Wow, I want to put mayonnaise on it.”
“That’s precisely the seasoning called shame, yes.”
The god seemed satisfied as they put the rest away.
So, after completing the delivery, the SP is… exactly 1500 SP.
This neatness, the god must have calculated it, right?
“It’s more of a positive appraisal, you know? Like a baby palanquin.”
「どちらかというとプラス方向査定ですよ? 赤ちゃん御輿とか」
“Thanks a lot!”
Then I have no complaints! Yay!
なら文句はないです! ハイ!
“By the way, Karina-chan, instead of hoarding, you should use more SP. I won’t nag you since you’re delivering.”
“I’m sorry, but when my balance is low, I tend to tighten my wallet.”
With this much, I feel like I should be able to spend about 500 SP.
“Hmm. As a god, I’d prefer you to indulge in more rewards and become dependent, unable to stop delivering. Come on, let’s eat something delicious, shall we? There’s no chocolate in your world, right?”
「むむむ。神様としてはもっとご褒美に溺れて依存して納品せずにはいられない状態になって欲しい所なんですが。ほらほら美味しい物食べましょう? そちらの世界ではチョコレートなんてないでしょう?」
“Just being honest, okay? In reality, it’s like Siesta or something. Such a lovely thing.”
「本音ですよ? 実際シエスタとかそういう感じでしょう。愛いやつです」
Well, it is a god. It can’t be helped.
“Then let’s spend about 500 SP here, shall we?”
“I won’t let you go until you spend today, you know?”
What the heck. I’m usually sent off with “It’s time, so goodbye.”
…Thinking about it, the god is a time-space god, so even if time is pressing, they can do anything with their divine power. They’d probably say something like, “Late? Just rewind time, and it’s no problem.”
……よく考えたら神様ってば時空神じゃん、時間が差し迫ったとしても神の力で何とでもなるヤツじゃん。『遅刻? 時を巻き戻せば問題ないよね』とか言いそう。
“Eh. Are you seriously not going to let me go?”
“Do you want to take your time and think slowly? That’s fine, I can stretch it for 10 years or 100 years, you know? I’m a time-space god after all.”
「時間をかけてゆっくり考えたいですか? いいですよ、10年でも100年でも引き延ばしてあげますよ? 私時空神ですし」
The scale of their sense of time is different…! So this is what a god is like…
時間感覚の桁がちげぇ……! これが神様か……
The god took out a catalog and waved their hand.
The pages flipped, and a page opened. Oh, that looks like a delicious pudding à la mode.
“I recommend the sweets that disappear after you eat them around here.”
“You’re definitely trying to get me hooked… Considering the running costs, skills would be better, right?”
“It would be easier if it were items you’d want regularly like Siesta.”
It’s points they gave me, yet they’re so self-centered.
Well, it’s better than saying something weird and having it confiscated.
“Then how about this medicine that increases MP max by 10%? It’s 100 SP.”
「じゃあほら、このMP最大値1割アップのお薬なんでどうです? 100SPです」
“10% is certainly significant, but I haven’t really had trouble with running out of magic power.”
“Damn it! I made it too good!!… But without this, I might have had trouble tormenting that trash, so it can’t be helped.”
「くそっ! 優秀に作り過ぎた!!……でもこのくらい無いとあのゴミをいたぶるのに支障が出たかもしれませんでしたからね、仕方ない」
The god flipped through the catalog.
“Oh. How about this collection of used socks? Each for 200 SP.”
“I understand it’s your recommendation, but I don’t need someone else’s socks…!”
They’re lined up with pictures of the producers’ faces, and it’s just sketchy.
The god said, “Hmm, you have a lot of demands,” and opened another page.
Wait, was there even such a page…? That’s when I realized.
Huh? Isn’t this catalog different from mine?
ん? これもしかして私のカタログと違くない? と。
After all, I flipped through mine and checked it out.
But I don’t remember seeing a sock collection catalog. If I had, I’d definitely remember.
If that’s the case, I might want some nice skills that aren’t in my catalog…
“Oh. How about technical skills? If you’re actually moving your body, having these skills would be better.”
「あ。技術系のスキルとかどうです? 身体を実際に動かすならこの辺りのスキルはあった方が良いですよ」
“Certainly… That’s a valid option.”
“Oh, this massage skill is quite versatile when it reaches Level 5. It’s rare too… Wait, what? I don’t think I put this rare one in Karina-chan’s catalog—”
「お、このマッサージスキルとかLv5までいくとかなり応用効いていいですよ。レアですし……ってあれ? これレアだからカリーナちゃんのカタログに載せてなかったような――」
“Then I’ll take that!!—Huh?”
The moment I showed a gap, the god smiled back instead.
Massage Level 5. Its price is a whopping 500 SP… just as planned.
I’ve been trapped.
“God, you can’t be serious.”
“Wonderful. You took the bait perfectly. Bravo, oh, bravo.”
“Um, can I cancel or something?”
“Oh, I don’t have a cooling-off period or refund service.”

As the god clapped their hands, a new skill was bestowed upon me.
(…Huh? Even though May is over, the book publication work isn’t finished yet?
(……あれ? 5月が終わったのに書籍化作業が終わってないよ?
After one or two more chapters, I’ll definitely prioritize the book publication over updates…!?)