Huh? A Sending Wolf?
え? 送り狼?
After parting with Mashiro-san, I returned to the inn.
I could have used teleportation magic to return to my base, but since I came all the way here, I decided to walk back.
However, even though I found a divine artifact, I couldn’t obtain it. What a shame.
I can’t just destroy a whole town, after all. Karina-chan may look like this, but she’s a pacifist, you know?
While I was thinking about such things and walking around aimlessly, I noticed that the surroundings were quite noisy. It seemed like there was a fight going on. Huh, what’s happening? I want to be a bystander too.
そんなことを考えながら適当に歩いてたところ、周囲がなにやら騒がしい事に気が付いた。なにやら喧嘩をしている様子。えー何何? 私も野次馬するー。
“Hey, you! How dare you lay a hand on my daughter! Come on!”
「てめぇ、ウチの娘に手ぇ出そうたぁふてえ奴だ! おら!」
“Shut up! Father-in-law, give your daughter to me!”
「うっせー! 義父さん、娘さんを俺に下さい!」
“Bring it on, you fool! Talk after you defeat me, you weakling!”
「やるかボケぇ!! 俺を倒してからほざけ、雑魚が!」
Oh, a marriage proposal ceremony, huh? Nice!
A fluffy tiger man who looks like a tavern owner and a muscular adventurer with bear ears were fighting. It’s a beastman battle. Good stuff.
Just to clarify, the one proposing is the bear-eared adventurer.
Oh, are they also betting on who will win? I like fluffiness, so I’ll bet on the old man. Give me a piece of that.
あ、どっちが勝つか賭けもやってんの? 私はモフモフが好きなのでおっさんの方に賭けよう。一口ちょーだい。
“Dad! Over there! Berry, do your best! Now, let’s see who wins! Both of you, don’t fall down until the deadline!”
「父さん! そこ! ベリーもガンバれ! さぁ、どっちが勝つか張った張った! 二人とも、もう少しで締め切るからそれまではどっちも倒れないでね!」
And it seems that the tiger-eared daughter is acting as the bookmaker for the bets.
If you win the bet, you can drink one cup of alcohol for each bet placed. Either way, it’s profit, how resourceful.
“Karsha! I’ve told you many times not to make your father the betting target!”
「カーシャ! だから毎度言ってるが父親を賭けの対象にするんじゃない!」
“Hahaha, if Karsha says so, I’ll hold back until then!”
“Huh? You think you can underestimate me, huh?!”
「は? てめ、舐めてんじゃねぇぞおらぁ!」
The tiger man’s punch caught the bear-eared man’s jaw, and the bear man was knocked away.
“Gahaha! It’s a hundred years too early for you to hold back against me!”
「がははは! 俺様相手に手加減なんて百年早いわ!」
Bear-eared man, down! …One, two, three! Ding ding ding! Match over!
熊耳男、ダウン!……ワン、ツー、スリー! カンカンカン! 決着!
“Hey, is this kind of thing a daily occurrence?”
“Yeah, pretty much. Here, every time there’s a proposal, the old man has to defend himself.”
Hmm. That’s lively. I mean, is she really proposed to that often? That girl must be quite popular.
Anyway, having won the bet, I was treated to a drink at the tavern. Hiccup.
* * *
“Hey, isn’t that Karina? What’s up, drinking?”
“Eh? Mashiro-san! Hello!”
「ふぇ? マシロさんだぁ。やっほー!」
While I was wandering around, I was called out by Mashiro-san.
“Geez, I’m busy with various things, and you’re just carefree. Oh, it seems someone will investigate the bomb in detail tomorrow.”
“Is that so?”
“You’re completely drunk, huh? …Are you okay?”
“I’m totally fine, I’m the best, invincible, giant… huh? Did I mix up the order? Anyway, I’m fine!”
「だいじょーぶだいじょーぶ、私さいきょー、むてき、きょーじん……あれ? 順番間違えたかな……とにかくだいじょーぶぅ」
“It doesn’t seem like it. Hey, which way is the inn? I’ll take you there.”
「ダメそうだな。おい、宿はどっちだ? 送ってってやるよ」
“Eh? A sending wolf? Just because you’re a wolf beastman? Ehehe.”
「え? 送り狼? 狼獣人なだけに? えへへ」
With that, Mashiro-san lent me his shoulder.
Wait, but I haven’t connected Mashiro-san with the adventurer Karina-chan.
Does that mean if I go back to the inn like this, it would be bad?
“Can I stay over tonight…?”
“Huh? I don’t mind.”
「あん? べつにいいけど」
“Yay! Tonight, I’m going to cuddle with Mashiro-san while I sleep!”
「やったぁ! 今夜はマシロさんをモフモフして寝るぞぉ!」
“I’d like to say please don’t, but… well, whatever.”
Thus, I spent the night at Mashiro-san’s house. Hiccup.
The next morning, it goes without saying that I had to apologize to Mashiro-san first thing.