After an All-Nighter
でも凄く頑張ればなんとなく読めそう。これって魔道具作成スキル覚えちゃった感じかなー? いやぁ天才だな私。神様のおかげだけど。
「ディア君もなんか作ってみる? といっても道具がないから、羊皮紙に魔法陣書いてくれたらそれを私が木に描き付ける感じになるけど」
“I’d like to try!”
“Alright! We have unlimited access to parchment, ink, and pens at the pirate’s house.”
Since we’re just using it for fun, it’s fine to make copies, right?
* * *
“Karina Onee-san, next this one, please!”
“Oh, what’s this? Was this in the magic circle textbook?”
“I combined and arranged multiple magic circles. I think the light will swirl around on top of the magic circle!”
“Awesome! Dia, you’re a genius! Let’s output it right away! … Huh, it’s not moving.”
「すげー! ディア君天才! 早速出力だ!……あれ、動かない」
“Ah! I’m sorry, the lines were connected here… what a failure.”
「あっ! すみません、ここ線が繋がっちゃってました……失敗だぁ」
“Then I’ll just fix that part. A little bit… it moved! The light is swirling around!”
「じゃあそこだけ修正するね。ちょいちょいっと……動いた! 光がくるくる回ってるよ!」
“We did it!”
We hugged tightly in celebration of our successful experiment. Right after, Dia-kun blushed and pulled away, saying, “Ah, s-sorry, Onee-san, I just…” It’s fine! Dia-kun is cute!
実験の成功にがしっと抱き合う私達。その直後に「あっ、す、すみませんお姉さんつい」と照れて赤くなり離れるディア君。良いんだよ! ディア君可愛いからね!
“But just swirling light isn’t really useful, you know.”
“No, no. If we use it well, we could make a clock or something, right? By adjusting the rotation speed.”
「いやいや。上手く使えば時計とかも作れるんじゃない? 回転する速度を調整してさ」
“I see. But if we’re making a clock, the cost of the magic stone is a problem… ah.”
“… O-Onee-san! By the way, is it okay to meet with my sister at this time!?”
「……お、お姉さん! そういえば姉様と会う時間は大丈夫でしょうか!?」
Huh!? When I looked outside the storage space, it was already past noon.
ハッ!? と収納空間の外を見れば、外はお昼過ぎ頃だった。
… We’ve been up all night and it’s already daytime!!
It’s not just morning; it’s lunchtime!!
Well, we didn’t specifically say what time to go, so it should be fine, right? Oh no.
と、特に何時に行くとか言ってなかったし、大丈夫、大丈夫だよね? あわわわ。
“I-I’ll hurry, Dia-kun! I think your sister has probably already arrived!”
「い、急ぐよディア君! 多分もうディア君のお姉さん着いてると思う!」
“Yes, but, Onee-san, you have ink on your face!”
“You have ink on your hands and face too, Dia-kun! Alright, ink removal magic, activate!!”
「ディア君も手や顔にインクついてるっ! えーい、まとめてインク除去魔法発動!!」
After spending all night producing and removing ink, I can now specifically target just the ink! Hahaha!
一晩中インクを出したり消したりしてて、インクのみを対象に消せるようになったのだ! わははー!
“Alright! Let’s go!”
「よし! じゃあ行くよ!」
Dia-kun took my outstretched hand.
Using optical camouflage, we suddenly appeared in front of the lord’s castle. I remembered what Maria-baa said about coming from the front!
「すみませーん! マリア婆――じゃなかった、前領主夫人様と約束してた者です!」
“Huh? Who are you—ah! I-I apologize, I’ve heard about you. Someone will come to guide you right away!”
「ん? なんだお前――あ! も、申し訳ありません、話は伺っております。すぐ案内の者が来ますので!」
“I almost left my sister behind…”
“Yeah, it was so much fun that I got a bit carried away.”
We laughed together, me and Dia-kun. It must have been quite frustrating for Dia-kun’s sister to be left hanging, but well, forgive us.
“By the way, I still have some ideas I want to try—”
“Oh. Then I also found a magic circle through analyzing a golem—”
As we were deep in conversation, an older lady from Offuro Friends came to guide us.
“Karichan! I was worried you weren’t coming!”
「カリちゃん! 来ないんじゃないかと思ってヒヤヒヤしたよ!」
“Ahaha, sorry, Oba-chan. I got caught up in playing and stayed up all night, and just realized and rushed over. Now, let’s hurry to see your sister!”
“… Seriously, take it easy. Huh? Is that child also an elf? … Well, if they’re with Karichan, I have no reason to refuse. This way, please.”
「……まったく程々にしなよ。ん? その子もエルフかい。……まぁカリちゃんの連れなら拒む理由もないね。さ、こっちだよ」
Huh? Isn’t Dia-kun the main focus this time? When I looked at Dia-kun again, I realized he was still in a dress.
ん? 今回のメインはこのディア君なのでは……と思って、ディア君を改めて見ると、そういえばまだワンピースだった。
They haven’t noticed Dia-kun yet, and Dia-kun seems to have forgotten he was wearing a dress.
My plan was to have Dia-kun warm my socks until just before we got here, and then to embarrass him by forcibly taking them off to collect them…
… But this is too interesting, so I’ll keep quiet about it!! (After an all-nighter)