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It’s not persuasive at all!



“Yawn. Ah, I slept well. …What time is it now?”



Glancing outside the storage space, it was morning.


The weather is nice. Perfect for a lord’s raid… No, if it’s a raid, wouldn’t it be better if it rained?



“Um, good morning, Miss.”


“Huh? An angel… no, it’s you, Dia-kun.”

「んぁ? 天使……いやディア君か」


Oh no, oh no, it seems I accidentally used the angel as a pillow. …Ah! I hadn’t put away my handmade wooden crafts!! I need to shoot them into another secret storage space so Dia-kun won’t see. I’ll put the trembling magical tools in here too. I’ll deal with it later…!

いかんいかん、うっかり天使を抱き枕にしてしまったらしい。……はっ! 自作の木工工芸品を片付けてなかった!! ディア君に見られないよう別の秘密収納空間へシュート、ついでに震える魔道具もここにいれとこう。また後でな……!


“Anyway, Dia-kun really can’t handle alcohol. I’ll make sure to buy juice next time.”


“Ugh, to say something like that and then fall asleep after just one sip… B-but, could you let me go? I need to, um, go to the restroom… where is the restroom…?”


“Oh, that jar over there. It’s clean because there’s a slime in it.”



Pointing to the jar, which also serves as the scavenger slime’s bed, Dia-kun walked over to it, tugging up the skirt of his dress to reach for his underwear… but I turned my eyes away, thinking it was rude to watch him relieve himself.


There had only been me until now, but maybe I should create a private room for this. I might have people over in the future.



Huh? Now that I think about it, my scavenger slime wasn’t unisex. The unisex version was three times more expensive. But still, with Dia-kun’s cuteness… perhaps!?

ん? そういや私のスカベンジャースライムって男女兼用のじゃなかったなそういや。兼用の方は3倍高かったんだよね。いやしかし、ディア君の可愛さなら……あるいは!?


“Help me, Miss…!”


“Oh, sorry, sorry. Even if Dia-kun is cute, it seems he doesn’t translate well to the scavenger slime.”



The scavenger slime in the jar was angrily slapping Dia-kun’s bottom. It was being quite gentle, as it was storing the dirty parts inside.


…Ah, I wonder if there are unisex ones at the pirate hideout or on the ship. While thinking about that, I rescued Dia-kun with spatial magic. Fortunately, it seems his clothes didn’t get caught in the pee.



“Oh, right. I think I’ll ask Dia-kun to do that.”


“Yes! I’ll do anything I can! What should I do?”

「はい! ボクにできることならなんでも! 何をすればいいですか?」

“Investigate the inside of the ship and hideout! Seize anything useful!”

「船とアジトの内部調査さ! 使えそうなものを徴発するのだ!」


In other words, it’s a burglary! Dia-kun will be my accomplice!

つまり空き巣である! ディア君にも私の片棒を担いでもらうぞぃ!

That’s what being an accomplice means! I’ll prepare a gangway so he can get inside the ship too.

共犯者ってやつだね! 船の方も中に入れるようタラップを用意しておく。


“Understood! I’ll do my best to help!”

「わかりました! がんばってお手伝いします!」

“Good. Thank you. …Now that I think about it, there might be better bedding than my blanket. Sorry, Dia-kun, wasn’t it smelly?”


“…Um, it smelled nice, actually?”



He’s being considerate…! Even if he says it awkwardly while looking away like that, it’s not persuasive at all!

気を使われてる……! そんな風に目をそらしつつ気まずそうに言われても説得力ないよぉ!



* * *



“Siesta. Can you tell me where the lord’s house is?”


“That’s quite sudden, my fellow. …It’s the castle over there.”


“Castle? Which one?”

「城? どれ?」

“Can’t you see the castle walls?”


“Ah, that fortress-like thing. That’s a castle. It’s more square than I thought. Thanks.”



Well then. Now that I’ve gotten the information, I’m heading to the lord’s house!



Using the god’s universal pass to go in through the front is fine, but this time I think I’ll sneak in from the sky. I need to find out where the elf lady is, and if I keep using the pass every time, it could get complicated.



I’ve rested well, so my magic power is sufficient. Well, I do want to have better bedding, but right now, I’m just wrapped in a blanket.


I want to provide Dia-kun with a proper sleeping environment!



…Huh? Now that I think about it, didn’t the pirate hideout or the pirate ship have better bedding than a blanket? I should have rummaged through before going to sleep… Dia-kun, could you look for something like that?

……ん? よく考えたら海賊のアジトとか海賊船には毛布よりもしっかりした寝具があったのでは? 寝る前に漁っておけばよかった……ディア君そこらへん探しといてくれるかな。



“Alright, where could the elf be?”



I quickly teleported into the lord’s mansion and activated optical camouflage to enter the interior. Oh, there are maids. It might be a good idea to borrow a maid outfit for disguise.



I quietly listened to the conversations of the servants.


…Tonight’s dinner menu is grilled fish. Sounds delicious.


New recruit training menu? That sounds tough.

新兵の訓練メニュー? 大変だねぇ。

Getting supplies for alcohol, huh? We have wine at our place, you know? How about it—just kidding.

お酒の仕入れかー。今うちにはワインありますよ? いかがー、なんつって。


“Hey, have you found that elf yet?”


“Sorry, we’re still searching, but we haven’t found any new information yet…”



Oh! They’re talking about the elf! It sounds like a soldier and a captain. I want to hear more!

おっ! エルフの話! 兵士と隊長さんぽい。もっと話して!


“No progress, huh… Keep searching. Be careful not to stir things up, since it’s a delicate matter. If you find her, no attacking.”


“Yes, sir!”



And then the conversation ended, and they dispersed. Hmm, what’s going on? It seems the lord is also looking for the elf? Did Dia-kun’s sister escape or something?

って、会話終了して解散しちゃったよ。うーん、なんだろ。領主様もエルフさんを探してる様子? ディア君のお姉さん脱走でもしたのかな。




As I was investigating the lord’s house, I spotted a familiar face.



It’s Grandma Maria! From the Onsen Friends!

マリア婆さんじゃん! オフロフレンズの!

Wait, she’s wearing a nice dress, almost like a noble… or rather, isn’t she actually a real noble? The ladies-in-waiting around her are also from the Onsen Friends.

っていうか、普通に綺麗な服着ててまるでお貴族様……いやまるでじゃなくてガチのお貴族様じゃね? 側仕えのオバちゃん達もオフロフレンズじゃん。

Could it be that Grandma Maria is an important person? And those ladies are her attendants? Did she come to the bathhouse incognito? No wonder she’s so skilled at washing people; it’s her profession.

ひょっとしてマリア婆さん偉い人だった? そんでオバちゃん達侍女とかそういうの? 銭湯へはお忍びに来てた感じですかね。道理で人を洗うの手慣れてるわけだ、本職じゃん。


…Hmm, if that’s the case, it doesn’t seem like she would be a bad person. It’s hard to imagine her thinking about keeping an elf as a pet. If she were to say, “An elf? Perfect for a pet!” it would be really off-putting, right? I don’t think she’d say that, though.

……んんん、となるとなぁ。一緒にお風呂に入った感じ、悪い人じゃなさそうなんだよなぁ。エルフをペットにするとか考えにくいんだけど。もしこれで「エルフかい? ペットに最適だね!」なんて言われたらドン引きだよ? 言わないと思うけど。



Alright. I’ll consult her while secretly hiding my identity!



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