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King of the Sea (Gomez’s Perspective)




The divine artifact “Poseidon.” It is the heart of the ship and the ship itself.



Normally, the ship’s helm and power are at my command thanks to its protection. Even when gazing at the endless horizon, I can grasp the positions of myself and other ships through the altar’s crystal ball. No sextant needed.



A ship equipped with “Poseidon” does not allow enemies to board.


This means that when adjacent to a target ship, the enemy cannot board us at all. The only ones who can board are those we brought along with us.


In other words, only the prisoners we have neutralized can come aboard.



In addition to reconnaissance and navigation, it possesses the power of “absolute defense at sea.”


It deflects all attacks, and even when ships collide, we always come out on top. Anyone who tries to board us to retaliate is repelled by an invisible force field and falls into the sea, becoming flotsam.


It is the rightful punishment for those who dare challenge the sea god.



Moreover, ships possessing “Poseidon” are never attacked by marine monsters.


There are no unruly beings in the sea that would dare to assault the sea god “Poseidon.”


Thus, there is no need for the magic circles that normally protect transport ships from monsters.




I am, after all, the sea king recognized by the gods.


I was a king.



“What, the ship… the ship, the ship!?”



――The ship, the source of that power, had not only been split in two but had also vanished.






To add to that, the sea had been cut out in a square shape. Only we, the crew, remained as the ship and part of the sea disappeared.


A few moments later, we fell into the cut-out sea――experiencing the impossible sensation of being submerged while waves from all directions pressed down on us.






The surrounding subordinates were being pushed down by the waves, tightly restrained.


Get away, you fools, we can’t swim like this!? I pushed the surrounding idiots aside and headed for the surface.

離れろ馬鹿、これじゃ泳げないだろ!? と周囲の馬鹿どもを押しのけて水上へと向かう。


Puhah! I emerged above the water.

ぷはぁ! 水面に顔を出す。


“What, what happened!?”


“Whoa. As expected of the captain, you made it up by yourself.”



There was a small rowboat and… a woman standing on it, looking down at me.


Who is this? What is she? The woman who disappeared with the cargo in the warehouse. The woman who embarrassed me. The woman who threw a golem with her bare hands.

こいつは、なんだ? 何者なんだ? 倉庫で荷と共に消えた女。俺に恥をかかせた女。ゴーレムを素手で投げ飛ばした女。

…Huh? Why? Why did this happen? My head is spinning.

……ああ? なんで? なんでこんなことになった? 頭が回らない。


“You! What did you do!? What grudge do you have against me!?”

「きさ、ま! 何をした!? 俺に何の恨みがあるってんだ!?」

“Eh? I don’t have any particular grudge, but I guess I’m a thief. So I thought I’d try stealing a ship too, just for fun! I mean, I did say I was asked by my client.”

「えー? 私は特に恨みはないけど、私は強盗らしいからね。船も強盗してみましたぁ、なんつってー! っていうか、依頼主に頼まれてって言ったじゃん」


The woman laughed heartily.


Damn it! What’s so funny!? Ah, it infuriates me to no end!!

くそ! 何がおかしい!? ああ、どこまでも腹が立つ!!


“Return everything right now! Then I’ll forgive you! And bring that boat over here too!”

「今すぐ全部返せ! そうしたら許してやる! そのボートもこっちに寄越せ!」

“Ahaha, why? I don’t need your forgiveness. Uriuri.”

「あはは、なんで? 別にアンタに許されなくてもいいんだよ私は。うりうり」


Ugh, I can’t get close because she’s poking me with the oars! She’s mocking me!

く、ぐっ、オールにつつかれて、近寄れないっ! 馬鹿にしやがって!


“Well, why don’t you cool your head by getting splashed with seawater? You’re the only one who’s so worked up, you know?”



When I turned my head at her words, I saw my subordinates, just like me, poking their heads above the water. They looked extremely frightened.



“Hey, do you understand? We’re right in the middle of the ocean.”

「ねぇ分かってる? ここ、海のど真ん中なんだよ」

“That’s right! Return everything to how it was! All of it! If you do, I might even let you be my woman!”

「そうだ! いますぐ元に戻せ! 何もかもだ! そうすれば俺の女にしてやってもいいんだぞ!」

“Huh? Are you stupid? Is that supposed to be a negotiation? Is the divine artifact something that drives you crazy the more you use it? Like a cost of using divine power?”

「は? 馬鹿じゃねぇの? それ交渉のつもり? 神器ってのは使うほどに頭がおかしくなる代物なのかねぇ。神の力を使う代償みたいなやつ?」

“Hah! That’s right. I don’t know what underhanded tricks you’ve used, but I have the sea god, the invincible Poseidon, on my side――”

「ハンッ! そうだ。どんな卑怯な手を使ったか知らねぇが、俺には海の神、無敵のポセイドンがついて――」


――”Poseidon” is a ship.


And the ship is gone. Gone. Gone, what!?



“Ahhhhh!? That’s right! Hey, hey, give it back! It’s my ship!? It’s the power of the gods!? It’s my power!!”

「ああああ!? そうだよ! おい、おい、返せ! 俺の船だぞ!? 神の力だぞ!? 俺の力だぞ!!」

“Eh, did you just now finally understand?”


“If you return the ship and the cargo, everything will be resolved! Return it, return it!!!”

「お前が船を、荷を返せば全部解決するんだ! 返せ、返せぇええええ!!!」

“Wow, it’s impressive that you can say that in this situation.”



The woman sighed, saying something incomprehensible.


I mean, since I’m asking this much, you should return it, right!?


Why won’t you return it!!



“You guys? Anyone who begs for their life will be taken to that ship over there!”

「君達ィー? 命乞いしたやつはあそこに見える船まで連れて行ってあげるよー?」


She pointed to where our prey――the ship that was supposed to be our prey was now visible in the distance.



“Hah, the proud Gomez-Ti pirate crew begging for their lives――”


“Help, please!”


“I don’t want to die either!”


“You guys!? Why are you begging for your lives to someone like her!?”

「おめぇら!? 何勝手にこんな奴に命乞いしてんだ!?」


I was treading water while I punched one of the idiots who begged for their life.



“Shut up! We don’t have a ship, you’re not the captain anymore!”

「うるせぇ! 船がないんだ、お前なんかもう船長じゃねぇ!」




One of my subordinates hit me back. How foolish, I’m the captain!? How ridiculous…

手下が殴り返してきた。馬鹿な、俺は船長だぞ!? ばかな……





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