Encouraging the Bad Guys to Reflect☆ (From the Perspective of a Thug) ●Illustration Included
(Happy New Year!!)
That woman was just a prey who had wandered into the alley.
She was supposed to be prey. A little intimidation, leave some money, and that would be it. No, it wouldn’t be bad to play with her a bit. If she gets to play with me, she should have a good time too.
When I called out to her,
“Haah, I’m getting bored of the same old routine. Is there a manual or something? Just come at me, weakling.”
「はぁー、ワンパターンで飽きてきたなー。マニュアルでもあんの? もうかかって来いよ雑魚」
“Bring it on! I’ll kill you and play with your corpse!”
“Kyaa, so scary! I’m gonna wet myself!”
The woman laughed at me mockingly as she said that.
I couldn’t take it anymore. I was thinking of keeping her around since she didn’t look half bad, but now I’ll kill her!
As I swung the wooden plank I held towards her, she couldn’t even react to my attack and took it――
――the plank shattered into pieces.
It felt like I had struck a massive rock, and my hand was tingling from the recoil.
“What…?! Huh?”
「は……? え?」
“Yes, yes, self-defense established!”
“W-what the hell are you――”
In that moment, the scenery I was looking at instantly turned into pitch darkness.
The lights went out suddenly, but it felt like I was in a wide space where I could see the starry sky clearly.
What happened? What did I do? What was done to me?
何が起きた、何をした? 何をされた?
“Hey! What the hell is this?!”
「おい! 何だこれ!?」
“What did you do, you bastard?!”
「てめ、何しやがった! おぉん!」
“Ahh!?… Wait, are you Barado?”
There were other people around me.
As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I recognized some of the men around me, and I realized that we were in a ruin. What the hell is this?
At that moment, only our surroundings were suddenly illuminated, and I squinted.
Is it light magic? It felt like a piece of daytime had been cut out just for us.
“Alright, everyone. Attention please.”
“Ahh!? You――wait, ah…?”
「あぁッ!? てめ――えッ、あ……?」
Under the sunlight-like brightness, I looked towards the source of the voice.
That voice was undoubtedly from the woman I had just been dealing with.
She was standing in mid-air with nothing around her.

“What the hell… did you do!?――Ah, I can’t move my legs!? Ugh!?”
「てめ……何しやがった!?――ッ、あ、足が動かねぇ!? う、ぐっ!?」
The moment I tried to walk over to punch her, my feet were stuck to the ground as if they were sewn down. My upper body couldn’t move a single finger either.
The only thing that was free was my head.
“What the hell is this! What the hell is this! Help me!”
「なんだこれ! なんだこれ! 助けて!」
“Ahhh!? Don’t mess with me!”
「あああ!? ふざけんな!」
“No, why! Help me, big bro!”
「いやだ、なんで! 助けてアニキぃ!」
In the ruins, none of the men could move and were screaming.
“Well, everyone, you will be having a little killing game――no, wait. Ahem. Do you believe in God?”
Huh? What is this guy talking about?
は? 何言ってんだコイツ。
Everyone in the place must have thought the same.
“God is angry. Because you are bad people. Didn’t you learn not to trouble others? Hmm?”
「神様はー、お怒りデース。アナタたちが悪い人だからデース。人様に迷惑をかけるなって教わらなかったんですかねー? ンー?」
“Shut up, shut――”
“Right now, you are the ones troubling us――”
“Is this your doing!? I’ll kill――”
「これはお前の仕業か!? ブッ殺――」
The voices of those who raised their voices were cut off one by one.
“God is always watching you for fun. Now, how should I punish you… and so, I was sent to do just that.”
The crazy woman pointed to herself with her thumb.
To say something so ridiculous――was too absurd given the current situation.
We were supposed to be in an alley, but now we were in this ruin. In the blink of an eye, we were brought to this place. What else could this be but a divine act? No way, is it real?
“Now, I’m going to give you a little punishment, so if anyone has reflected, raise your hand. It will continue until everyone reflects and swears to turn themselves in! Collective responsibility!”
「じゃ、ちょーっとお仕置きすっからさぁ、反省したって人は手を挙げてねー。全員が反省して、自首しますと誓うまで続けるからね! 連帯責任だよ!」
As soon as the woman said that, we floated up, our feet leaving the ground.
We were floating. No, we were flying!? We shot up into the sky at an incredible speed.
浮いている。いや、飛んでいる!? すごいスピードで空へと飛び上がる俺達。
Our bodies were turned so that our faces faced the ground.
High up. And the ground below was so clearly bright like daytime that I could tell how high we were.
It felt like we had become birds――but that thought only came when I realized the ground was rapidly approaching.
We’re falling!!!
“I’m gonna die, I’m gonna die!? Noooooo!”
「死ぬ、死ぬ!? 死ぬぅううううううう!?」
The wind whipped around us. The dark ground rushed up towards us. Just as we were about to crash――we stopped suddenly, just a finger’s breadth above the ground.
“Hah, huh… what?”
Cold sweat broke out all over me.
I thought I was going to die, or maybe I had died.
“Alright, have you reflected?… Hmm, I can’t hear any voices? One more set!”
「はーい、反省したかなー?……ンー、声が聞こえないゾ? ワンモアセッ!」
“Eh…? Ah!?”
「えぁ……? あ!?」
The ground moved away from us. We began to rise again.
“Eh… eh…?”
When we reached a height similar to before――we fell again…!
“I-I reflected, I reflected!!! Aahhhhhh!!!!”
「は、反省、反省しましたぁああああ!!! ああああああ!!!!」
Just above the ground, we stopped…!
I-I can feel something coming… but if I know for sure I’ll stop… it’s not unbearable…!
“Uwaaaah, my arm, my arm!!”
“Ah, oops. Sorry, I slipped a bit and made a mistake. Let me fix that for you, okay?”
“Gyahhhhhhh, aahhhhhh!!!… Huh? Eh, huh?”
「ぎゃぁああああ、ああああああ!!!……あああ? え、あ?」
“Okay, it’s fixed. Ugh, that was tiring. If I mess up a few more times, I won’t be able to fix it. I hope everyone reflects before that happens.”
…It seems that this forced “punishment” of being thrown off a cliff is not safe.
“I-I reflected! I swear, I’ll turn myself in!”
「は、反省したっ! 自首、自首するから!」
“I-I will too, please help me!”
“Oh. Good kids, but since not everyone has, we have to do it again! One more set!”
「お。いい子ですなぁ、でも全員じゃないからもう一回だからね! ワンモアセッ!」
As soon as she said that, we began to rise again.
“I don’t want to!!!”
“Hey, is anyone passed out?”
“Really… wait, if it continues until everyone reflects…”
“Hey! If someone passes out, it won’t end, right!?”
「おい! 誰かが失神してたら終わんねぇってことじゃねぇよな!?」
After that, we continued to be forced to dive until the sunrise, until everyone could say in unison, “We have reflected, we will turn ourselves in”――if there was even a slight delay, it was “One more set”――the forced dives continued.
Everyone was soiled and in a pitiful state――but in the end, there were no deaths or injuries.
“Alright, everyone has reflected! Ah, the night has completely passed, and I was getting sleepy, so this was just right. I almost slipped and dropped everyone. It turned out to be more trouble than I expected.”
「よしよし、皆反省したね! いやぁもうすっかり夜が明けて私も眠くなってきてたから丁度良かったよ。うっかり全員手が滑っちゃうところだったわ。思いのほか手間でさぁ」
It was terrifying. With such a statement, we found ourselves rolling outside the town of Sorashidore.
“……Don’t you dare say anything about me. Did you all remember my face? Well, disperse!”
「……私の事は言うんじゃねぇぞ。お前ら顔覚えたかんな? じゃ、解散!」
We staggered, finally freed by those words, and tears flowed.
“Should we do one last one here? One more――”
「最後にここで一回しとく? ワンモア――」
“「「「「「「We have reflected!!! We will turn ourselves in!!!!」」」」」」
「「「「「「反省しましたぁあああ!!! 自首しますぅうううう!!!!」」」」」」
In perfect unison, we all raised our hands and shouted.
“Tch, fine, then this time for real, disperse. If anyone doesn’t turn themselves in or if the confession of sins isn’t enough, I’ll abduct you again, so keep that in mind. You need to confess all the sins you know, not just your own. Got it?”
I heard a click of the tongue and a reminder.
It goes without saying that we ended up rushing to turn ourselves in, forgetting to cleanse ourselves.
If anyone tried to run away, I intended to grab them by the neck and drag them back, but fortunately, everyone felt the same way.
(ちなみにコメントもちゃんと読んでますよ! 励みになります!!
but since there are no illustrations or prefaces/postfaces, that’s the trade-off. Yes.)