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Is it double dipping of the sauce?



“Ah, and here are the socks for delivery. Dear-kun’s, the tournament’s, and Misha’s pantyhose.”


“Thank you! I’ve been waiting for this! …Well, well, yum! 40 SP!!”

「ありがとうございます! 待ってました!……まぁまぁンマイッ! 40SP!!」


With a bang, the god slaps Misha’s butt while conducting the assessment. There’s a phrase for expressing admiration that goes “to clap one’s knees,” but it feels something like that.

ばしーん! と、ミーシャの尻を叩きつつ査定を行う神様。感心した時の表現で「膝を叩く」ってのがあったけど、そんな感じかなぁ。

By the way, that was the assessment for the tournament, summing up my opponents, the older sisters.



“And this Misha’s pantyhose is… yep! It’s definitely a white sauce type! Although the aging period is short, it has a solid sense of shyness. There’s also a decent satisfaction from getting some revenge, and the urgency of the tail pressed tightly against the crotch is overwhelming—yes, it’s lasagna! It’s lasagna!!”

「そしてこのミーシャのパンストは……うん! やはりホワイトソース系です! 熟成期間は短いながらもしっかりとした恥じらい。そこそこ意趣返しできた満足感もあり、股にギュッと押し付けられたしっぽの焦りが覆いかぶさるこれは――そう、ラザニア! ラザニアです!!」


The god spreads the crotch of the pantyhose wide and holds it up.



“Hmm, it was just delivered the other day, but I’ll give it 50 SP!”


“Oh, well done, Misha…!”



Oh, a good assessment has been given. …Moreover, they are rubbing the pantyhose against the person’s butt. Is it double dipping of the sauce? We don’t have any rules against it, so feel free to do as you like.

お、いい査定が付いた。……しかも本人の尻をパンストでぐりぐり撫でてる。ソースの二度付けかな? ウチは別に禁止してないから好きなだけつけておくれ。


“Dear-kun’s is… hehehe, nice. The first time in public with gothic lolita, and the脱衣 socks while gathering attention after losing to Misha… This can be likened to a shy strawberry shortcake & a slightly bitter chocolate cake! I’ll give you a combined score of 100 SP!”

「ディア君ちゃんのは……えへへ、いいですね。初めて人前でのゴスロリと、ミーシャに負けて視線を集めながらの脱衣靴下……これはそう、例えるなら恥じらいイチゴのショートケーキ&ホロリとした苦みのチョコケーキ! 合わせ技100SPあげちゃう!」


With a slap-slap! The god expresses joy by slapping Misha’s butt. Each one is worth 50 SP, and even though Dear-kun was just delivered recently, it received quite a high score.

バチンバチン! とミーシャの尻を叩き嬉しさを露わにする神様。1つあたり50SP、ディア君も最近納品したばかりでまだ日が浅いというのに、結構な高得点だった。



The balance is 1520 SP.


…I guess I should use 20 SP for something. Otherwise, the god might tell me to use 520 SP as the remainder.



“Then, I’ll use this remainder of 20 SP on some skill.”


“Hmm, in that case, I recommend this one for 120 SP!”



The god opens the catalog. Even though I said 20 SP, they went and increased it by one digit.


Um, let’s see… oh. Gun skill Lv4. It’s true that my weapon is currently a gun, but do I really need it? I have spatial magic…

えーっと、何々……ほう。銃術スキルLv4。確かに私の武器は今のところ銃だけども。いらなくね? 空間魔法あるし……


“Actually, this skill is going to rise to 200 SP due to the soaring raw material prices. So, this price is only available now!”


“What, really!?”



The price written in the catalog is going to be revised… So that’s a thing! That’s unfair! The god is being sneaky!! By the way, what does soaring raw material prices even mean!?

カタログに書かれた価格が改定される……そういうのもあるのか! ずっる! 神様ずるいっすわ!! っていうか原材料高騰ってなんですかねぇ!?


They’re really trying every trick in the book to make me waste my money!




Huh? I bought it, you know? Before the price increase. Balance is 1400 SP.

え? 買ったよ? 値上げ前にね。残高1400SP。


But can I actually use this skill… wait, everything this skill can do can be replicated with spatial magic…? I was doing ricochet shots during the tournament.

ただこのスキルが使えるかというと……あれ、このスキルでできる事全部、空間魔法で再現できるぞ……? 跳弾とかやってたよ大会の時に。

It’s like I can fight with a gun even under the magic prohibition rule…? Hmm.

魔法禁止ルールでも銃で戦えるようになった、くらいか……? むむむ。



For now, I also slapped Misha’s butt once for my own satisfaction. Bam.



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