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Everyone with the Five Elders and Mashiro-san



“Hey? Looks like there’s a drinking party going on.”

「あれー? なんか酒盛りしてる」


When I returned to the base after working as a healer with Aishia, everyone from the Five Elders and Mashiro-san were having a drinking party.


Oh, dried crawler meat. This stuff can be quite addictive. The rehydrated version is good too, but the dry one has its own charm.



“Hey, Karina! We were just drinking with the new ladies. Seriously, if you’re going to have more residents, you should introduce them properly!”

「おう、カリーナ! 今ちょうど新入りの姉さん達と酒飲んでたところだよ。ったく、住人が増えたんならちゃんと紹介しろよな!」

“Ah, yeah. Sorry about that.”



Looks like they’re already quite tipsy.


Huh, what’s with this big barrel? It’s filled with fire liquor. Wait, did Lou-chan make this? Oh wow. …Isn’t this more than what I bought the other day? Wait, are we going to finish all of this today? O-oh. As expected of dwarves.

え、何この大樽。中身全部火酒だ。え、ルーちゃんの手作り? へー。……私がこの間買った量より多くね? え、今日はこれ全部空けるって? お、おう。さすドワ(さすがドワーフの略)。


“Alright, let me introduce you briefly. This is Mashiro-san. And over here are the Five Elders.”


“「「「「「Nice to meet you!」」」」」”


“Uh, nice to… Gotaireo?… G-G-Great Elders!?”



Mashiro-san choked. Want some water? Here you go.

マシロさんがむせた。お水飲む? はいどうぞー。


“See, if you don’t know their true identity, you’ll just end up becoming friends by the flow of things, right?”


“Wha- are you stupid?! Think about common sense! My buzz just wore off!! I didn’t know the Five Elders weren’t old people, I didn’t hear they were this young!!”

「バッ、アホかぁ! 常識を考えろ常識をッ! 酔いが醒めたわ!! 五大老って老人じゃなかったのかよ、こんな若ぇだなんて聞いてねぇぞ!!」


Mashiro-san shouted as if about to snap at me. Her tail fluffed up. Fluffed up. What is that, what kind of emotion is that? Wow, I want to pet her.

私に向かって噛みつきそうな勢いで叫ぶマシロさん。しっぽがぶわってなってる。ぶわって。なにそれどんな感情? すげー、モフモフしたい。


“Hey, dwarves look young, right? I can’t tell the difference at all.”


“Well, I can tell a bit by the smell… but this level of drunkenness is off the charts…”


“Ah, maybe I made you a bit younger. Yeah.”



Saying that, Mashiro-san held her eyes and opened her mouth wide, looking up at the sky.



Wait, Mashiro-san can tell a dwarf’s age by smell.


As expected of Mashiro-san.



“Aw, what a cute reaction! You can call me Mi-san like you did earlier, okay?”

「やーん可愛い反応ー! ウチのことさっきみたくミーさんって呼んでいいんだよぅ?」

“That’s right. Call me Shi-san, okay? Come on, come on.”

「そうそう。シーさんって呼んでー? ほらほらー」

“Fluffy fluffy, your tail is wonderful, I want to use it as a pillow.”


“If your buzz has worn off, you can drink a lot more now, Mashiro-chan.”


“Don’t hold back, okay? Here, let me refill your drink.”


“O-oh. Th-thank you very much…”



Ah, everyone knew and was hiding the fact that they were the Five Elders, right? Mashiro-san is serious, so her reaction to this reveal is really fun, right? I get it.

あ、みんなも分かってて五大老なこと隠してたね? マシロさん真面目だからこういうのネタばらしした反応たのしいよねぇー。わかるー。


“Geez, everyone loves to tease. Don’t mess with Mashiro-san too much, okay? But be friendly with her!”

「ンもー、みんなイタズラ好きなんだから。あんまりマシロさんからかっちゃダメだよ? でも仲良くしてあげてね!」




Everyone answered cutely while raising their hands. Yeah, they really get along well. All five of them are good friends.



“Hey… ah, you can’t treat her like a child…!?”


“Come on, Mashiro-chan, let’s continue drinking with us!”



Mashiro-san was firmly grabbed by her tail by Mi-chan.



“Alright, I think I’ll join in too! I did some work today, so it’s fine, right Aishia?”

「ヨシ、私も混ざろうかな! 今日は一仕事したし、いいよねアイシア?」

“In that case, please go to the workshop and drink. It might be bad for Dear-sama’s education. I’ll bring the snacks.”


“…That’s right! Everyone, let’s move to the workshop!”

「……そうだね! みんなー、工房に移動するよー」


After that, my memory, as usual, went blank…


But for some reason, when we all took a morning bath together the next day, everyone from the Five Elders had started to call Mashiro-san with an honorific.



I wonder what we did in our drunken state, I have no idea.






(It seems that empty bottles of aphrodisiac bought by the Five Elders were rolling around in the workshop’s bedroom.)


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